
Phal. equestris

Phal. equestris is found in the Philippines and Taiwan, a hot to warm growing species. There are many color forms according to different habitats. It is interesting to grow different color of Phal. equestris.


Miltonia spectabilis var. moreliana

Very showy flower with classic deep purple-red color, slightly scented. Hot to warm growing habits, this Miltonia is easy to grow in Taiwan.


Pholidota cantonensis

Last week I went to central Taiwan where the sea level is around 1000M, I can still feel cool and comfortable during summer. At a small pool side I found this cute orchid Pholidota cantonensis. There are many.


Den. lamyaiae

One of my favorite Dendrobium species, the color is eye-catching. A miniature orchid.


Phal. hieroglyphica

Edenmic to the Phililppines, a hot to warm growing species. There are many color forms of this species, some clones are scented, but some aren't.


Bulb. hirundinis

This is a miniature and pretty Bulb. species that is found in Taiwan, Vietnam and Southern China. It is found at elevation 800-1100M in Taiwan.