
Ionopsis utricularioides

This small and fragile-looking orchid was found in central America and the north of the South America. Unlike how it looks like, Ionopsis utricularioides is very easy to grow and the flowers last about a month.


Laelia rubescens var. alba

This pretty Laelia species is native to Mexico and Central America, the autumnal blooms are usually pale pink, but this one is its album form. It's ok to grow it in the baskets or mount on cork bark to make stunning specimen.


Haraella retocalla

Edemic to Taiwan, one species in one genera, Haraella retocalla is a special and pretty miniature orchid. Found as the epiphyte in the low land forest of Taiwan, it blooms from time to time all year around, but heavily in the fall to spring.


Habenaria myriotricha

Very eye-catching, this Hab. species is really showy. It's a hot-growing plant and was found in Thailand.